My Mom’s visit to New Zealand was a very last minute split decision. We had been planning her trip and purchased her ticket before I moved here. But circumstances changed, and she was unable to come. We decided to cancel her ticket just a few weeks before the flight. Then, lo and behold, on Thanksgiving weekend (27th- 30th of November, for those Kiwi’s reading my blog), she decided that she couldn’t take being away from me any longer and was going to keep to her original itinerary and come see ME!
I’m very proud of my Mama for taking such a long flight to another country (first time

travelling to another country other than Mexico) all on her own, especially with a bad back. That being said, here is a photo of our first dinner on our deck. Once dinner was done, the girl rolled down to her dungeon and went to bed since she was sooooo jetlagged. The dungeon refers to the lower level of our house. When you enter our home it’s at street level. Most people don’t realize that we have 2 bedrooms, a bathroom, a laundry room and 2 storage rooms downs

tairs. We just call it “Josie’s Dungeon”.
We didn’t do too much sightseeing initially, just small walks around my neighbourhood and lots of BBQ’s with Holming’s family. On Boxing Day we finally got out of town. We went to Tiritiri Matangi, bird sanctuary with the whole gang. After a few hours of hiking and observing birds, we had a nice picnic on a white sandy beach.
Besides Tiritiri, we also went to Goat Island, Victoria Park Market (twice), Titirangi beach, walked the Zig Zag track, took a walk from the Waitakere Ranges Visiting Centre, One tree Hill, and Mount Eden. My favourite wa

lk was the Kitekite Falls. There we walked about 40 minutes to view a waterfall but when we were finally to the viewing point, it started to rain cats and dogs. Instead of walking all the way to the water pools, we had to quickly run back to the car. Once down the trail, it stopped raining, of course. I was so amazed at how well my Mom walked the trail and how she kept wanting to go farther.
All in all, the trip was a great success. My mom was able to see how I live my day to day life and she was reassured that I need her here with me. I really believe she fell in love with New Zealand the way I have. I can’t wait to have her back. Love you Ma.