About the pumpkin pie filling (for $8.00 NZ), I just can't seem to master my pumpkin pie here because our pumpkins just aren't the same. I am very excited to have this and can't wait to make a real pumpkin pie with real graham cracker pie crust from the supply I brought from the US last November.
The El Pato is the biggest can I have ever seen in my life (I could bathe in it). It's 27 ounces/765 grams and cost $5.00 which is actually not too bad of a price. This is a product I can also find at a Mexican Restaurant here in NZ except she sells small cans at $4.00 each. Now that is a rip if I ever saw one.
This store also had Captain Crunch (reeces flavour), Cheetos, Fritos, Oreo COOKIES, Graham crackers, Skor bars, Dr Pepper soda, Lipton teas, Red Vines, and more. The best thing of all is that they had Tide Laundry Detergent, which I didn't buy because I didn't want to spend $15.00 for a small bottle. But oh, how I would love to use the good stuff again.
Stay tuned for my next trip to this store. I'm leaving Holming at home and taking my credit card with me. Teeheehee