The original two girls, Roxy and Suki, are in their second season of laying so, they won't lay as often.
Then there are Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum (aka Snowballs and ChaCha) who have gone broody again. When a hen is clucky, they don't produce eggs, and with these two "besties", they do everything together. As you can see from the video below, they cluck...cluck..cluck trying to get in to the nest.
Next, as of yesterday, I have a new egg layer. It's a very tiny first egg from a very big hen but, this was just a practice run. Now that she has figured out what her purpose in life is, she should be a lean mean laying machine.... I hope!
This is Lulu. The only white egg layer of my flock.
And finally, we are still trying to figure out if Chica is a Chico. For one, she is 6 months old and hasn't started to lay and two, she tried to crow over the weekend.... not good!