Christmas just isn't the same since I've been here in New Zealand. To start with, it's in the middle of Summer; and since it's in the middle of Summer, it’s too hot for a Christmas tree with lights; and since the sun goes down so late and we go to bed so early, I can’t enjoy my decorations. Secondly, the Christmas spirit doesn’t feel right with the locals just wanting to get out of town and heading to the beach. Never mind spending time with the family, decorating the tree, volunteering or donating to the less fortunate; it's all about the Bach (that's kiwi for Beach House) and the 2 weeks break that most people are entitled to due to official holidays on Christmas Day, Boxing Day, the day after Boxing Day (sometimes), New Years Day and the day after New Years. Well, something like that, but most businesses shut down for the 2 week period thus leading to everyone having the time off.
Christmas 2009 was the hottest Christmas I had ever experienced. Cooking a turkey and ham with no air-conditioning then sweating our way through the rest of the day was not enjoyable. I've decided I'm done. No tree and no decorating and no turkey. I will still give the obligatory 4 or 5 presents and have the family lunch (without turkey) but other than that, it’s not Christmas.
Moving on to my birthday month, I don’t mind so much that my birthday is now dead in the middle of Winter instead of dead in the middle of Summer. I can adjust. What I really miss about my birthday is all the love and support. My friends back in San Francisco know that the 1st of July used to start the celebration of my birthday month. Plenty of shopping, meeting for drinks, dinners and dancing - the works! Once upon a time I had amazing friends and family at my fingertips to celebrate with. Now, we do it over the phone or skype - which isn't as exciting. Moving forward and trying to get to a happier place in life and in New Zealand, Holming had a fantastic idea. He suggested that I bring out all my Christmas decorations (all 3 boxes of decorations) and have a Christmas Birthday! Are you following me? Uh-Huh! That means Christmas lights (in the house only of course), candle Santas and maybe even a tree! I also hope to receive the odd Christmas/Birthday card this year. And as usual, I already know that my fab-five will make it happen just to help lift my spirits. Thank you in advance and that's why I love you.
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