Monday, November 15, 2010

My favourite sounds from the girls

Just a quick post to introduce my favourite sounds that the girls make. They are a needy lot and start coo-coo-cooing once they hear my voice.

This clip shows how they all gather at the chicken run door when they see me coming.

The black hen with red comb (Roxy The Red Ruby Gem) is my screamer.
She starts making that noise the minute she hears my voice....even if I'm in the house.

Next is a 2 1/2 minute clip of feeding time. You might want to lower the volume on your computer before playing this one, as Suki (the black chook with flat red comb) gets very excited when food is involved.
Suki is the most timid one of the group and doesn't like to be handled- at all. She is also the loudest of them all.

This last video clip is of Suki, again. Usually she just goes on and on and on, but I couldn't get it all in one shot. I think she's camera shy.

I never thought I would have chickens nor did I ever think I would enjoy it as much as I do. It has been fun getting to know each of their personalities.

Till the next post

1 comment:

carlita said...

I finally was able to watch video's not allowed at work. There's something quite humorous watching feed your chickens. Love it.