The next step for the quilt was the actual quilting. I was meant to machine-quilt a large lazy S design running from the top to the bottom of the quilt. Fortunately I had a practice run in class before trying it on mine.
I have to give you a side note- in sewing and patchwork it’s about accuracy and sewing straight lines. Sewing lazy S designs is against everything I had already learned.
My large lazy S’s were like high-strung straight big Z’s. So, again my honey to the rescue.
Sunny and I just laid on the bed and watched him work his big lazy S magic.
Next, Princess and I had to cut off the excess material and pin the binding (which is the border of the quilt) onto the front of the quilt.
Holming got in on the action
Once the binding was machine-sewn to the front, I then had to hand sew (blind stitch) the binding to the back of the quilt. This took all day long BUT, it’s finished!!!
Because this is a beginner’s class to quilting, we made a smaller quilt. As you can see it doesn’t cover the bed. So, it’s now a throw for the couch during this Winter season.
I’d like to take this time to thank my helpers, Holming and Princess.