Sunday, April 3, 2011

Chooks in the Garden and Pesto for the Winter

Summer is over folks. The time changed last night so we are heading in to the dreaded Winter. In preparation, I decided to pull up the garden since the sun doesn’t reach my garden in the colder months. What a treat for my two special and well-behaved chooks, Roxy and Suki. They got to scratch and dig in the garden while I quickly harvested the last of my basil.

What’s a girl to do with all this basil?

Make pesto.....

Now, a small container of store-bought pesto runs about $6. Most of you know that I don’t eat store-bought anything. I like to make almost everything from scratch. But for the sake of comparing prices, I will use the store bought pesto as an example.

In the end, it cost me $25 to make 13 lots of pesto. If I would have bought pesto from the store, it would have cost me about $80. Now one might think, do you really eat that much pesto? I would have to say NO but, I plan on it this year. I actually make a stuffed chicken thigh dish that uses pesto in the stuffing so, apparently, we will be eating this dish a lot this Winter.

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