Out of my four chickens (one passed away a couple of weeks ago), only two are laying- the two black Silkie crosses. My other two, the Pekin bantams, are 10 months old and should have been laying ages ago (most chickens start to lay at about 18 to 20 weeks). However, I have researched this type of bird, and it seems as if they start laying (come into season) a bit later than a usual hen because they take a bit more time to” mature”. This can be at 5 months or 1 year of age.
The week before my trip my girls didn’t give me a single egg. It was most disturbing. I thought, well, good time to go on holiday….
This week, just look…………….
I have a new layer in the group!!! Just found a new egg in the nest this morning. The tinted egg, in the left front corner, is from one of my Pekins. I just don’t know which one. I can only guess that it’s Snowballs because her comb is a darker shade of red than ChaCha’s. That’s a sign of a hen that’s in season.
I can’t wait to try that wee little egg tomorrow morning.
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