Sunday, August 26, 2012

Almost time

It’s almost Spring.  With a sunny Saturday at hand and time to myself, all I wanted to do was get stuck into my garden.  No interruptions, no lunches to make and well, nobody but me, Sunny…. and the chooks.

Before you can start to plant a veggie garden or any type of garden, there are always pesty weeds to deal with.  The only thing that grows in my garden all Winter long are weeds.

I’m pleased that my parsley grew throughout Winter along with the weeds

Once I had dealt with the weeds, I needed to add nutrients to my soil.  I keep a compost bin in my backyard which I add most kitchen scraps (the one’s the chickens don’t get first), green and brown organic waste then wait till it breaks down to soil again.

                                                      More on composting in another post.

Once my piles of home-brewed compost are in place, I layer it on top of my existing soil and wait.  I wait for a few weeks to a month while the rain spreads the nutrients down to the rest of the soil. 

What do I do while I wait?  I plan my garden.  This is where my handy hubby comes in.  Honey, where should I plant my beans?

If I didn’t have chooks, I would have put the weeds in my compost bin but I saved them along with some extra worms for my girls. Everyone benefits in one way or another today.

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