Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tomatillos and Giant Snow!

Every year I try to grow something new amongst all the usual stuff that I grow in my garden.  So, this Spring/Summer garden season, I'm growing snow peas and tomatillos.  For my kiwi peeps, tomatillos are a small (cherry sized) green tomato that grow in a husk.  They originated in Mexico and are a staple in that country.  Tomatillos are most used for a green sauce called "salsa verde".  Being here in New Zealand, I'm missing my salsa verde and have put matters into my own hands- I'm growing my own this year! 
The photo below is an image from the internet of what they look like when picked from the vine. 
My plant is only a foot tall at this point and have just been transplanted from starter pots to the actual tomato garden.  Yes, I have an actual separate garden bed for tomatoes.  My handsome, handy-hubby builds me anything I want.
(The lower red circle is the actual tomatillo plant and the red circle above is a sunflower that will tower over my tomatoes in a couple of months)
On to my cute baby snow peas..............
I planted my snow peas the first weekend in October.  Photo below.
I only knew that they would climb up the trellis and be low maintinance.  Well, they did grow up the trellis and have proven to be low maintinance BUT, really?
I think Jack (from Jack and the Beanstalk) will be climbing up my snow peas.  They are all out of room to climb and some vines have made a U-turn and are heading back down.  Look out below......
The photo below is of my strawberries, spinach, and beetroot. 

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