My poor honey. He never hears the end of my complaining about the spiders here. I blame their existence on him. With that said, this lovely spider just happened to scare the living, you-know-what out of me when I went down to put more kitchen scraps in my compost bin. I lifted the lid and BAHM.... there he was. I thank the spider Gods that this one did not jump. Look at him. I've never seen a spider with such long legs. I mean, are those spider nails at the end of his legs? Yuck! I'm grossed out just looking at him. Needless to say, I've not gone down to me compost bin for a week. I'm just not ready.
This guy is another one of my favorites. He is big, black, and ugly. I believe this one is the Avondale Spider. Although all spiders in NZ are not poisones, I spray any spider I see. You should see me running around the house with a can of Raid. They don't usually come in the house as this gu
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