These are the roundabout signs. They usually appear about 50 to 100 meters before you get to the roundabout. If you missed the sign before getting to the turn..... too bad. A split decision has to be made. Sometimes you just go round and round and where you stop nobody knows. On top of not knowing which way to go, you also need to have the correct blinker (indicator) on and need to be in the correct lane. Ugh... It's complicated getting around town. New Zealand has very
few signal lights and many of these roundabouts.

I don't have a photo of the signal lights but, even those are different. They either sit off to the side of the road, like the right hand curb or they are positioned lower than I am accustomed to looking. Surprise surprise I have not been in an accident yet. I will definitely take pictures of that experience when/if it happens.
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