The girls loved their new set up because I put them in my other neighbour’s yard, which happens to have a lawn.
Since we are just coming out of Winter and the leaves haven’t grown back on our Liquidambar trees, we thought it would be a good (and hopefully cheap) time to have them trimmed. Here is a before and after picture.
Last time we had one of these trees cut, we had him leave the branches because 1) it knocked $150 off the price, and 2) We had planned to chop them up to use as firewood. So here is the damage.
Our side
Neighbour’s side
Our neighbours only wanted 3 big branches cut off but the arborist put the majority of the branches on their side. So once they left, I got to work until Holming got home. Cut, snap, and stack…
It took 10 hours over Friday and Saturday but we got through it. We now have enough firewood to last next Winter. And, we won’t have to rake up all those leaves this Autumn.
I was very surprised to see that Holming still had enough energy to complete the extension of my raised garden bed.
I stained it the wrong colour as you can see, so I’ll be painting it in the next couple of weeks. Oh joy… all I want to do is play IN the garden but all these other projects keep getting in the way.
Very happy for the stormy Sunday so we can get back to our relaxing weekend.
weekends aren't meant for relaxing... or are they?
Unbelievable all the stuff you do.
not mine, i guess.
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