Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Seasons change

Boy have my seasons changed. I would like to start off by saying that I am not at all opposed to the rain or Winter. I love rainy days. I love to stay home and light a fire and drink wine and read a book and drink wine (oh... I said that). But by the time my birthday hit, it had not stopped raining for two whole months. Granted, most people were saying that this has been the worst Winter in decades but, did it have to happen now? To me? I mean really.

Thing's can only look up from here, right? On the positive side of my birthday, I just happened to receive a birthday card from my Tia Nina on the 21st; wow..... She's good. If she had planned that (which she said she didn't) it would never have arrived in time.

Holming was an absolute angel (after I put aside the spider thing for one day). He made this lovely home-cooked meal for me. It was a whole red snapper over chopped leeks & lemons, with green-lipped mussles and cherry tomatoes. I'm sure I have forgotten one of the ingredients, but I'm not supposed to know his recipe anyway. It was amazing!

Now, despite the fact that at this point our container of furniture still hadn't arrived and I was still sleeping on an air mattress during the time of this photo, I think I look pretty happy. Good food, good wine and good company. Thanks Honey!

Of note- the table we were eating on was lent to us by my sister-in-law's parents. They are so good to us. I will chat more about them later.

So, back to my birthday...Holming took me to a bike store and we picked out a road bike for me. It just happened to be made by a company out of Marin County, in the Bay Area. I was really inspired to have one less car on the road and to not drive my car as much. The only problem was that I didn't get to play with my new toy until 2 months after my birthday, when the rain stopped. Well, the rain never stops here. It just gives us a break for a day or two.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

From spiders to the sounds of birds

Although I've not captured the Tui Bird in a photos, I've captured his song. This is the sound that I wake up to every morning. Well, that and my hungry cat meowing. I love her! They wake up at 4 am and sing all day long. They seem to quiet down in the late morning (maybe nap time) then get really active again at night. I read that they stay up late most nights when there is a full moon. A bird after my own heart. I hope you are able to hear this clip.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Holming didn't tell me about the spiders in NZ

My poor honey. He never hears the end of my complaining about the spiders here. I blame their existence on him. With that said, this lovely spider just happened to scare the living, you-know-what out of me when I went down to put more kitchen scraps in my compost bin. I lifted the lid and BAHM.... there he was. I thank the spider Gods that this one did not jump. Look at him. I've never seen a spider with such long legs. I mean, are those spider nails at the end of his legs? Yuck! I'm grossed out just looking at him. Needless to say, I've not gone down to me compost bin for a week. I'm just not ready.

This guy is another one of my favorites. He is big, black, and ugly. I believe this one is the Avondale Spider. Although all spiders in NZ are not poisones, I spray any spider I see. You should see me running around the house with a can of Raid. They don't usually come in the house as this guy like wood piles and bark. I believe this guy made the web in the next photo. We cut this fern branch off and sprayed the crap out of it then cut it open to see what was inside. As if I wasn't grossed out enough. Hundreds of baby spiders came gushing out. I had the worst case of the heebeegeebee's. Thanks holming.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Let's talk about the street signs

These are the roundabout signs. They usually appear about 50 to 100 meters before you get to the roundabout. If you missed the sign before getting to the turn..... too bad. A split decision has to be made. Sometimes you just go round and round and where you stop nobody knows. On top of not knowing which way to go, you also need to have the correct blinker (indicator) on and need to be in the correct lane. Ugh... It's complicated getting around town. New Zealand has very few signal lights and many of these roundabouts. Delete caption

I don't have a photo of the signal lights but, even those are different. They either sit off to the side of the road, like the right hand curb or they are positioned lower than I am accustomed to looking. Surprise surprise I have not been in an accident yet. I will definitely take pictures of that experience when/if it happens.