Sunday, November 2, 2008

Raised Garden

Ever since we moved, all I wanted was a glasshouse to grow my own vegetables and tomatoes. After spending an entire winter here, I realised that the backyard never got any sun during the winter months. So the idea of a glasshouse for the winter was out, and a raised garden bed for the summer was in.
Since we live in the bush, it took a couple of months to clear the area for the raised garden. This is what the area looked like before we started clearing it.

We had to fill in an old pond, pull up some large ugly shrubs and plants, and get rid of all the ground cover. My sister-in-law's (Nicky's) parents helped us out quite a bit. Once that was done Holming got to work! Since the area was sloping slightly, he dug into the slope to make the garden level. Next he put the garden together with wood he had stained the week before, that he had already measured out and cut to size. The bottom of the raised garden was lined with chicken wire (to keep rodents out) and weedblocker material. Once that was completed, we filled it up with at least 20 bags of garden soil. The raised garden bed was now ready for my plants! We planted lettuce, spinach, corn, onions, green onions and zucchini.

We planted tomatoes in separate containers since they take up so much space.