Sunday, July 20, 2008

From spiders to the sounds of birds

Although I've not captured the Tui Bird in a photos, I've captured his song. This is the sound that I wake up to every morning. Well, that and my hungry cat meowing. I love her! They wake up at 4 am and sing all day long. They seem to quiet down in the late morning (maybe nap time) then get really active again at night. I read that they stay up late most nights when there is a full moon. A bird after my own heart. I hope you are able to hear this clip.


carlita said...

Are you still getting up at 4am? I could hear the chirp quite well and the hungry cat

Leslie said...

Well, I don't have to wake up 4am anymore but still do since the Tui's start singing that early. I have one word for that..... earplugs!