Sunday, October 28, 2012

Spring is here!

Here in New Zealand, the seasons always start on the 1st of a month.  So Spring started on September 1st, then Summer will start on December 1st.  You can do the math for the following seasons.  This is the last weekend of October and the sun finally made an appearance.  Hallelujah!!!!

Since the sun was shining, we decided to start our traditional, Saturday- Seafood BBQ, which will go on till we can’t anymore (maybe late March).  Each Saturday, we choose 3 (or 4 if we are greedy) different types of seafood to season and grill in 3 different ways.  This Saturday we had lemon fish, which I seasoned with garlic butter, lemon ride and lemon juice.  We also had prawn skewers and steamed mussels.  For veggies, we had asparagus and courgettes all dressed with garlic butter.  YummY.

Since the sun honored us with its presence   for both days of the weekend, we headed to the beach.  Anawhata Beach is a west coast beach that has black sand.  To get there, you must hike down through the Forest for about 20 minutes until you get to the beach. 

Sunny and Alex loved it!  They ran….
And ran………

And ran…………

Then we settled near the water and sent Alex to her cave!
We took a self-portrait... Look at the happy couple:)

We had a fantastic time at the beach.   I think Alex and Sunny will sleep like little angels tonight.
Night, night kids.

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